wm ls 030
The mini watermelon seedless with dark peel
Main use: : Domestic and foreign market, excellent for large-scale distribution
Prevalent cultivation: greenhouse and open field
Cycle: Medium – late
Plant:medium vigorous with excellent flowering
- Round shape
- weight 3 Kg very homogeneus
- excellent quality
- Bright red pulp, tasty and crunchy
- Presence of edible white seeds
- High production
- Homogeneity
- High shelf life
- High degree Brix
Important Note: The information shown, the photos shown, the descriptions and the suggestions provided, refer to optimal cultivation conditions. We cannot guarantee the achievement of satisfactory results under any different crop and/or seasonal condition.
N.B. Use Minirossa as pollinator or, alternatively, WM LS 6720.
In case of exhauted and heavy soil or to increase resistance to pathogens we recommend grafting with Sansone or Cassius